Consumer Law

The public is afforded protection in the marketplace from unfair competition among businesses. Citizens are also privy to information so they can make educated decisions regarding products and services. These concepts are at the heart of consumer law, which is designed to protect the health and safety of individuals through regulation and enforcement.
About consumer law
Consumer laws protect individuals who purchase goods or services. The goal of all consumer law is to protect individuals from unsafe products and unfair or deceptive practices. Consumer law also regulates credit practices, warranties, and service contracts.
A common consumer law is the “lemon law,” which protects individuals who buy a product that does not perform to acceptable standards. Other laws protect people from product claims that may mislead a consumer into thinking a product does something it does not.
Areas of consumer law include:
- Collection;
- Collection agency harassment;
- Credit issues;
- Credit reports;
- Lemon laws;
- Product claims;
- Service contracts;
- Warranty law.
For answers to your questions about consumer law and other matters, please call Stern Law, PLLC at (800) 462-5772 for free today.