Traumatic Birth Injury Complications

Fetal brain injuries can be caused by a multitude of different factors. In many cases medical negligence occurring during pregnancy, labor and delivery, or following birth is to blame.
If your child sustained traumatic birth injury, it’s important to understand that you are not alone in your struggle to cope. Stern Law, PLLC has assisted many families whose children suffered injury due to medical malpractice, and we can help you, too, by calling (800) 462-5772 for free today.
Causes of traumatic birth injury
You and your baby may have incurred injuries based on the following actions of a doula, midwife, nurse, doctor, obstetric specialist, other medical practitioners or a hospital staff:
- The improper administration of drugs to a pregnant women that are harmful to a fetus
- Delayed decision to perform a c-section
- Failure to monitor for, or detect, fetal distress
- Improper usage of a vacuum extractor or forceps
- Failure to administer oxygen to a newborn in distress
- Failure to diagnose a pregnancy related medical condition
- Failure to recognize and immediately address placental abnormalities, including placental abruption
- Faulty or improperly used fetal monitoring equipment
- Dropping a newborn after birth
- Failure to diagnose and treat pregnancy, labor and delivery complications
- Failure to detect and address a compressed umbilical cord
- Miscalculation of your baby’s size, leading to delivery complications
- Use of excessive force during delivery, including pulling, tugging and twisting
- Failure to diagnosis and respond to your baby’s obstructed airway due to meconium aspiration or other serious causes
- Mismanagement of bleeding during the third trimester
- Administering too much pitocin or cytotec, which are medications used to induce labor
- Failure to respond to the signs and symptoms of a ruptured uterus
- Failure to respond to abnormal behavior in your newborn child; for instance, if your child is not eating, drinking, passing stool or urinating
- Failure to perform a timely vaginal delivery
- Failure to enlist the help of specialists to assist you with a high risk pregnancy
Most children are born without suffering serious injury or complication. When severe trauma robs a child of his or her bright future, medical mistakes can’t be tolerated. For a free review of your traumatic birth injury case, please call (800) 462-5772 to speak with Stern Law, PLLC today.